Friday, May 21, 2004

Hey Friends!

I passed! Hooray! Now I have my license. Yeesssss!

So anyway, today was okay. Watched the last half of Fog of War, but didn't finish it. Almost. Nothing really else exciting happened. But I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. Gah...I'm dumb for staying up. And for what? Nothing! ARGH.

Well tomorrow Roy, Amanda, Bob, Adam, and I are going to Sammy's so we can work on our boat project. Ay caramba...It has to be made out of cardboard. Sheesh, hopefully we can waterproof it good enough to get across the pool and back. Hopefully. Ha...I'm going to miss it though. I just realized that I'm the only one if 5th period in my group. Wow. Maybe Y-G will let me out of 2nd. Hopefully. Cuz It'll be fun! I can take pics! Yay!

But after Sammy's my mom's friends are coming over. (Nooo). Okay, the adults aren't the problem. It's the kids. They're crazy. They run the family because the parents don't do anything about it! Oye. So hopefully my house doesn't get DESTROYED.

Okay, over and out.