Thursday, June 17, 2004


Well, nothing that exciting has been happening here. Well, I went to the mall with Sammy. That was fun. We bought our dads Fathers Day gifts. Yep, she got her dad a DVD and I bought my dad some CDs. Hopefully he likes them...erg. He's talked about them before so I think it'll be cool. But you never know. Yea, we were at Barnes and Noble and I saw this cool book about barns, but it was $75! Well, it was going to be for my grandpa, but yea...we already got him a flag. So yea...

I have to go to Barstow again this weekend. (yay...) It's going to be HOT! Oh well. It's the state championship, so I hope we do well. Um...Yeah

Okay people, we need to get together now that it's summer! Call me up! Anyone! Seriously! Okay, maybe not anyone, but almost anyone. But call me anyway if you're not sure I want to hang out or not.