Monday, May 09, 2005

Wow it's been a while.

Sooo, IB testing has been going on. Boo! Gosh Math and English are over, History and Physics to go. I've been collecting those dogs from McDonald's. And we played dodgeball on Saturday. Too bad IB kids can not chuck balls. If we could we would rock! Oh well, later we IB Ballin' and Team Strafe had lost some people so we became IB Strafin'. Haha...oh well. What I didn't like about the tournament is that ASB is a bunch of idiots! They were running the whole thing, and were the referees. Okay. First of all they didn't even know the rules. Secondly they weren't even watching. Thirdly they weren't even watching! Gosh! I felt like my dad because I was yelling at them. Geez. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

Well, wish me luck the rest of my testing and good luck to all of you with yours.

I'm copying Bri-man.

What Icons are for you? by ladyallie


Favourite Colour


Your Love icon is...

Your Sad Icon is...

Your Happy Icon is...

Your Angry Icon is...

Your Food Icon is...

Your Animal Icon is...

Your Random Icon is...

Your Cartoon Icon is...

Your Sexy Icon is...

Quiz created with MemeGen!