Friday, April 19, 2002

This Crazy Week

Mood: Tired, like no tired before
Song: Styx - Lady

Hello. Gosh, I'm so tired. It's probably from writing that gosh darn essay. I've been tired everyday since. It sucked the other day. We changed seats in spanish and I sit next to this really annoying guy. He keeps talking to this girl, and really loudly. People on the other side of the room could hear him! Oh well, the next day he wasn't as bad. But I told him to shut up and he had to be a jerk about it. He was trying to make fun of me, but he had nothing to say. Stupid. I don't remember what else happened.

Anyway, just got back from Sammy's party. It was her birthday today. It was funny because Roy couldn't figure it out. Muhaha. No one would tell him. It was fun. Adam T. Noah, Adam R. Ayo, Lang, Andrea, Barbara, Neha, Nam, Eric. I think that was it. It was cool. They brought their X-box, GameCube, and PS2. It was fun. I got to play Simpson's road rage. We played pool and did other crap. It was okay. I just need to sleep so I'm going. Ciao.