Friday, January 03, 2003

[-Do you love fried chicken?-]

Just got back from the mall. I took all this money planning to buy all this cool stuff, but nooo. They didn't have anything I wanted to buy. So Sammy, Roy, and I walked over to Barnes and Nobles (it's in the same parking lot) and I bought I couple of books. I almost gave the cashier my $100 bill! I thought I only pulled out my 2 $20s but, I guess not. So that would have been bad. I bough Zen Guitar and The Guitar Grimoire Series: Chords and Voicings. SO hopefully I'll get some good stuff outta that. I really want to go to my Chinese grandma's house tonight. My cousins and uncle want me to go, but my sister says she's not going down there, so I don't have a ride. Well, I've got to go do my homework, and work on my song (yay!!).