Monday, February 10, 2003

[-My Weekend In Review-]

My dad and I partied with my sister a while until she left for a party. John came over for like 5 minutes, he had to leave for his date. WoooOOOooo. Well, it wasn't really partying but hey, that's what I like to call it. We listened to some good music. I learned how to use the turntable. Um, I played Star Craft. Practiced my guitar.

Car wash. Damn...So tired. there about 8:10 am. Washed cars all that time. I mainly dried, but man it was tiring. Came home about 4 pm. Haha, we did it at Sam's Club right, so my mom went there and they asked her to get her car wash and she said no. Haha...That's funny. So then we had enchiladas for dinner. John and Elizabeth came over. But Elizabeth left because she was feeling sick. Played some more Star Craft and went to bed.

Had games. They were the most fucked up ever. Ok, some teams dropped out and the stupid fucking moron guy who set it up decided not to change the schedule. Ok, like we waited all day when we could have been playing. That's because there was open fields. Stupid moron. He was also a fucking umpire and missed all the calls on the bases. Oh man. I got so pissed off. Probably the most mad I've ever been. I was yelling. And it didn't help that the other team's coach was an ass. GOSH!!!!!!!! It pisses me off!! Stupid fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Came home. Ate dinner. Fell asleep about 7:30 pm. Missed the Simpsons, but I guess it was allright because my dad says they were re-runs. Then I woke up today at 1:50 pm. Hahah...I woke up about 5:30 am though to go to my room. It was really cold in my house. Then today I played Star Craft. Man I suck, and Will keeps being hard on me. Damn. Oh well, I'm still learning. It's fun. I just called my old pal Kellie. She was on Wildfire with me. The greatest team I've been on. Yay! I love them all. It was nice to talk to her. Gawww I need to calm down. I keep thinking about those bastard umpires and it's giving me that adrenaline rush thing, you know the 'fight or flight' thing. And I'm ready to fight. Hehe. So yea...I better go practice my guitar and read Antigone and finish that chem worksheet. No problem...