Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Hello, I Love You...not really of course

Mood: I'm feelin' allright, oh lord...[if you know the song yay!]
Song: The Odd Couple Theme [you know it]

Well, let's talk about yesterday first. According to Roy, I was in a "freakishly good mood." And I was. I don't know why. Maybe I had a good night's rest. Anyways, I was on top of the world, if you want to put it that way. I was feelin' pretty darn good. I also went to guitar. It was okay. I felt like an idiot. I guess he walked over to The Warehouse, so I was standing there waiting for him like I normally do, and then I hear him say something. So I was confused. Whatever. I got over it. Now, let's talk about today! Yay! Not really, but it was allright. Well, I thought I had lost my calculator, when it was actually in my room. I didn't remember me ever taking it out, but at least it was here and not lost forever. Yup. Oh, I wore a skirt today and the whole world was shocked. I wear skirts all the time. Well not all the time, but I had worn one before. They just don't pay attention. Then tonight was my first practice back with my travel team. I thought I did crappily, but I'm always hard on myself. So I guess I did okay. Boy, am I going to be sore tomorrow or what? I can feel it. Well not a lot. I was pretty good except when we did....dang, I forgot what they were called, something kick. When I remember I'll tell you.

That's pretty much it. I have to go read anyways. My dumb outside reading is due tomorrow and I still have 500 pages. Well, the book I'm reading now is 336 pages so I have 200 more. But I don't know if she'll let me go after my date. You should read this book. It's called Going After Cacciato. I am sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it. It's about these guys in the Vietnam War. It's good. I have 150 more pages to go. :-( I better get started. P.S. I'm looking for a commenting system so you can write me little messages. If you know one e-mail me at: