Thursday, April 10, 2003

[-Jerry Jeff!-]

Hey all. Let's see, what happened today? Well, I got up, went to practice, came home, and was an idiot. Practice was okay. Amanda was running it. She would be a good coach. I don't know but people weren't into it. Then my neighbor came to pick me up. Kim gave me a ride down to the teacher's parking lot and I almost killed myself when I got out of the car. Hehe, well, it's not a car, it's a truck, not to mention it's only LIFTED with HUGE wheels. So I was getting out of the car and I forgot how high up it was so I stuck both feet out waiting for the ground, and it didn't come. Haha, so I sorta just slid out of the car. But it was fun. Then I came home and was an idiot because I didn't do any homework. I really need to do it man. That's why I'm doing all of it tomorrow. Adam R wants me to go to Disney Land with him, but I have to stay home and work on my homework or I'm going to be screwed this weekend, and I don't wanna be screwed. You know, there's only like 9 weeks of school left. Wow. UGH I want it to be summer! That's "my" season. Go look up some astrology stuff, I'm cancer by the way. Anyway, yea, if it was summer I could rock all day long. I want/need to be better. I feel it. I love it!!

So instead of doing homework, I cleaned my room. I was going to do hw, but I really need a clean environment, or a somewhat clean environment. It's hard to do work when things are thrown all over the place and you're tyring to find something. Now my room is clean. Yay! Then I left because I had batting tonight. It was allright. High school isn't helping me out right now. Stupid school ball. Oh well. Then I came home from that and ate dinner. My mom did my nails after my shower. They're blue. I feel like something is missing in me I don't know. Let me think this through.

I finally found the 1st volume to Jerry Jeff Walker - A Man Must Carry On. I've been looking for it for a long time. Well my dad had the CD case but no CD. Now that I have the CD, I can't find the case. It'll turn up. Anyway, it was really bothering me for a long time because I would be singing one of his songs and I couldn't think of who the artist was. But now I know! "Don't it make ya wanna dance? Don't it make ya wanna smile? When you're down, down, down, in the country let me sing a while..." I also like they're recording from some barn. The track is called "Stereo Chickens" mauahaa...Yesssssss! He's great! I should probably listen to the 2nd volume again. I tried to listen to it before, but it's not really any songs, I think it's just poems. All I can remember is that he talks an awful lot. But maybe it's good stuff, you never know.

I've been reading my horoscope lately. I don't think any of them have "come true" or maybe I'm mistaken. Ehh, now I'm just telling you junk stories. I'll just see you later. Bye!