Thursday, May 15, 2003

[-Friday Fives-]

Ok, my bad for not doing last week's. Anyway, here's last week and this week, first last week:
1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not?
Yea, pretty much. Sometimes I get unorganized and then I can't function correctly, so then I have to go organize.

2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly?
Yes. I use it all the time. I have to write things down or I'l forget.

3. Would you say your desk is organized right now?
No, it's a mess.

4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter?
It doesn't really matter. If I had time I would probably do it.

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize?
Ooo, good question. Probably my mom's jewelry because it was messed up.

This week:
1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?

2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?
Probably ranch.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
Probably mein-mein (aka Top Raman).

4. How do you have your eggs?
Sunny-side up or scrambled.

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
My mom (tonight's dinner). It was good. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy. It's all good.

friday five