Wednesday, June 04, 2003

[-Laaazy Saturday Afternoons-]

Well, I forgot to post this Saturday. We were playing Literati. Here's me winning:

Still Winning:

Winning still:

Winning at the last letter:

But Noooo...Final Score:

Yea, that sucks. Anyway Will wants me to say he's da bomb or something. I forget. But there, I talked about him. Woo Hoo! Yea, I finished my links essay about an hour ago. Yay for me! I was proud of myself (this may sound retarded, but I don't care) because I stayed offline the whole time I was writing my essay. Well, normally I stay on and I don't get done until 3 am because I keep screwing around. But I'm still going to end up staying up until 3 am tonight because our math test is tomorrow and I haven't studied at all! Oh joy. I'm screwed. So I better go do that now. Ciao.