Thursday, May 29, 2003

[-Week From Hell-]

Well, let's see what has happened. Memorial Day weekend was allright I suppose. We had this tournament (took 2nd place by the way) but I didn't get a chance to do my homework. Yes, and I also got this huge ass bruise on my shin. Not pleasant. Tuesday morning I woke up at 3 am to do my homework. Sucked ass. Around 6 am I looked outside and it was sunny! I was pissed off. I don't know why, I just didn't want it to be sunny. Yea, my dad walked out and said "Good morning" and I thought "this is it, I'm going to my room." I did get my protocol done though. *Yay* Yes, the protocol for our dumb-ass lab final for chemistry. Every pair gets an unknown sample and they have to try and figure out what it is. Currently I believe mine is NaCO3, or NaHCO3 (aka soda ash/baking soda). I still have to do more research to see. My lab partner is not a very good one (Allen B.). I didn't know when I signed up with him he wasn't really gonna work. One time he just left and didn't tell me where he was going. Dude. Ok, yea, and he keeps telling me we're gonna work on it online and he never does. Ok, whatever. Um so that's been a hassle. Then on Wednesday I had to present my report on Czechoslovakia. Niiiiiice (Czechs rule!). But I had to stay up until 3 am on Wednesday morning. So I was up for 24 hours. Isn't that nice? But I did a good job on my presentation, Mrs. Garabedian was pleased. (Hooray for me!) Then during chemistry I burnt my hand!! I was trying to see if this thing had a low melting point, it doesn't. I took it off the burner and set it on the table. This was near the end of the period so Beach kept telling us to clean up. I walked away for a minute and Beach said "Clean up!" again so I looked at the crucible and thought "Oh, I better put this away" and ouch! Burning, burning. I didn't want to cause a commotion so I just set it back on the table. Then Seth said something like "Is that hot?" (sarcasticly, but in a nice way) then told me to put my hand under some water. SO I had to put things away with my one hand. Then I left and went to the trainer to get some ice. Then I started to have a slight panic attack. Well, I have never burnt myself before, unlike my sister, and then the lab was making me stressed out. So I had to lay down on the grass for a couple of minutes. Damn the man. But I got to rest from my 40 hour day ::smile:: I took a nap, played online, ect. Today was ok. Not much homework. We have the dumb sub in Spanish again. Mrs. Myerly is at her sister-in-law's wedding. I dislike the sub and her the same. They both are dumb. Heh, that's a good way to settle it. So now I'm trying to find out what my mystery substance is. Joy.

The good things of this week: guitar, I wore my new zebra converse!, no practice Wednesday night, not that much homework, Nam!! Nam is such a great friend. He's great. I like most of his Nam-isms. I understand them. Some just don't make sense at all. But Nam Rocks (her). Haha, inside joke. I guess that's all for now. Next week will be better I hope. But I still gotta do that links essay. Damn, but I'm sure my topic is great. Oh yes. Nam you better get working. Oh, I love blues music. I used to not, but I do a lot now. Hmm, and country stuff. Yep, I just love great music. I always find it funny how the blues sounds so much better at school...