Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What A Day

Let's see, I woke up was woken up. Then my dad comes in: "Sara, when you wake up [meaning not being groggy, etc...] can you do me a favor?" Me thinking to myself, "Dammit! I don't want to do him a favor! aRgg, I'll just sleep a little longer..." So I go out there and surprisingly my mom is home. ?? Yes, well she had to go to a funeral...yes, how sad. She was making a wreath. Anyway, so my dad says "Yea, the favor I was talking about, well, I want you to call that coach." (From Amherst). Me thinking to myself, "DAMMIT!!!" "Yes, I want you to call her and if you never hear from her again, I guess that's it." Caramba. Soooo, I wasn't "awake" yet, so I went to do my hair. Yep. Then I took a couple of pics for my mom then I called the coach.

To my surprise, she was actually in the office! So I talk to her, right, and she says "I'll call you back in less than a half a hour." So I'm like okay. Soooo, then 10 minutes later my mom says "Well aren't you going to put on the timer?" Okay? Do I really need to time her? Uh, no...So my parents do it anyway. But it's only on for like 2 minutes and she calls. Eeee. So I talked to her for about 20 minutes. Ya, she seemed really excited, and everything she was telling me sounded really cool. So we'll see where that takes me. They might even fly me out there to check out the school. Crazy.

So then later, Adam R. FINALLY calls me. Haha, he gave blood at a KLOS blood drive for tickets to some concert that Linkin Park is playing at. Whatever. So he calls, and I have to eat lunch, so I do that then go get him. We planned on going to the Orange County Museum of Art. But guess what? They're closed for renovations. Damn. Sooo luckily they had this "gallery guide" which has like every art gallery in California. So we look in there for something near where we are, so we went to the Martin Lawrence Gallery, which is actually at Fashion Island. It was cool. Well, first we called "Donald" ah ha. It was great. Well, I kept asking him questions and he thought I was like prank calling him or something. Oh man..."It's an art gallery sir, there is no fee!" Haha...oh Rouman...So yea. It was cool though. They had a huge number of these original advertisements from France from the 1900's. They were really cool. And the other stuff they had there was cool too. Yea, cool. So I still need to go to 2 more museums.

Then guitar was fun. I told Greg that I enjoyed seeing him play, it really was awesome. So the name of his band is "Mellow Down Easy." I guess the singer doesn't like it, I think it's cool, it's a good song. Uh, yea, then I had batting. Not with my real coach though, one of his daughters, she's cool and nice. So yea, I did pretty well. So what a day, what a day...