Thursday, January 09, 2003

[-Ay Caramba! and I hate this sometimes...-]

So, yea. Today was allright. I wrote this yesterday after getting pissed off at Beach. I don't think it needs an explanation:
I decided to write this now, when I'm full of rage--
Dumbass Me. Beach was supposed to call La Sierra University so we could go pick up out G-d damn bismuth! But he didn't call to order it so Roy can't get it. They're not allowed to give out anything no matter how non-dangerous it is. MF!! So we fucking called that bastard and he's asleep. His daughter answered the phone. Mother Fucker! So now he owes us an extention because he didn't call the dumbass plave. MOFO!!
Well, I would say that's full of rage. But Roy and I went to go get it today. So we don't have to turn in this big thing because he didn't call yesterday. So I have to make some sort of table right now so that we can just write in our data.

Wow, it feels a lot later than if really is. Probably because I'm so tired. Haha, you should have seen all the religion projects yesterday. Fun-ney stuff. Well some of the groups cheated and didn't make it didactic. Ok that was the whole point. I'm assuming Neha's group won. Although there tree doesn't look like a Bhodi tree. Ok, it looks like it came out of some forest in America. It has pinecones! Ok, sorry. Nothing compares to our Buddha. Hahaha, no. We made ice cream today in chem. I hate beach. I said I was going to get him in his sleep. Then Roy said at 4:30 pm. Aw man, that made me angry again. Well, when we called him that's what time it was. So it was funny. Met with my personal project supervisor. She told me to do all this stuff, then she was surprised that I actually did it. Um, ok. You told me to. Whatever. I think that's it for today. I have to make our thing for sci fair. See you later. Oh, I'm going to try and fix that commenting thing. Ok, so hold on.