Friday, January 10, 2003


Oh you know another thing that pissed me off today was those dumb Mexican kids that sit by us at lunch. Ok, they totally threw nachos at us. Frickin' morons. It like got all over Adam T. then they tried to pretend it never happened. Fuckers. Oh you know my new thing where I keep a pen in my back pocket? Well I do. So it actually worked today. Roy thought it was totally cool. While we were at LSU (La Sierra Unv.) the professor/head of the chemistry department asked for a pen because we had to label the bismuth. Although not that important to us. Um, well I guess you need to label things. It's important. But then the guy tried to steal my pen. He could have so given it back to me, but he just left it on the table. Bastard. Haha, well then he said that we 'have' to go there since we used them. But he was only joking. And why would I want to go there if I could so get into a better college. Anyways, I think the commenting thing works now. So leave a comment. Ciao...