Thursday, January 23, 2003


Hmm...Well, I guess I'm not bored; just wanted to write it. Everyone's probably sleeping because they're so tired from damn finals. Hah. So I took a nap today. Here's what I wrote when I woke up:

[-I'm all messed up-] 6:22 pm
Uhh...I just woke up like 10 minutes ago. I took a 3 and a half hour nap. I'm still tired, but I have to go to batting practice. It feels so weird. It feels like I'm getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to get up and go somewhere for games or something. Ehh...But I had a couple of weird dreams. So here they go. I was at this house, sort of like in the jungle. (I don't know). Alanna was there, and she was asleep. Then Janae woke her up and pissed her off. For some reason my team and I were there to learn guitar. Some instructors were there. Greg was asking if they could get it. I could. (Because I'm soo grreat. Just kiddin'). Then Evelyn came to see how we were doing. That was weird. # 2. I'm at the same house (different dream though) with Darryl, Tiana, and Alanna. We're going to set the house on fire (scorch and burn policy. damn War and Peace movie. JK!) Some reason Dave Goeson, one of my old coaches was there. So I ask what I need to get out of there. I get my guitars and backpack, then the house goes up in flames. Well, most of the stuff had already been taken out. So everyone gets out of the house, but Dave is no where to be found. He's MIA (missing in action). I was actually sad in my dream. Anyways that's about it. Just remember it's 6:22 pm, not am.

I thought it was interesting. It was a nice nap. I need to go practice my guitar. I've been bad; I'm supposed to be running for softball, but I haven't had the chance. There's not enough time for anything. Or maybe I just don't want to do it and subconsciously changing all my plans to not have time for it. Nah.

I got my mom to redo my nails. They're pink. I wonder what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't think I made any plans. My mom might take half the day off. So we'll see. I might get to hang out with my uncle. Hmm...Something weird is going on with him. He wants to hook back up with his ex-fiance. I don't know about that. He's cancelled the wedding twice! Ok, I would not take that bastard back the 2nd time. Not saying my uncle is a bastard, but he did sorta "break her heart." I guess he's going to Vietnam with her (she's Viet). I don't know. I guess he's been telling my younger cousin to call him 'Uncle Stupid' because he "let a good thing go twice." That is so sad, it makes Kevin depressed. So, I don't know. I hope I didn't make plans with anyone tomorrow. I don't think I did. Oh, Gabriels going to be upset. I can't go to his party. I've got games. I don't know why, but they're at 3:30 pm and 8 pm. So if I did go to his party I'd be there for about 40 minutes, or less. So, that's not going to work. I'm sure they'll have fun without me. Hmm...Leeroy Parnell rules!!