Monday, January 20, 2003

[-A Night At The Rouman's-]

Haha, Adam's party was fun. The card I made him was pretty sad. It said "Adam Rouman, this is your life!" Then on the inside it was blank. Haha, but I wrote stuff on the back because I thought it would be mean. I got him the judge from the Simpsons. It talks and is pretty funny. We had fun. There were a lot of people there. We played Super NES, PS2 and XBox. I was trying to play this one NBA game and I really sucked. I said "where's the button where you can take them out?" That would have been cool. Vishaal and I lost I think. I don't remember. But it was fun. We went outside and played catch, but the streetlights by his house really suck, so you couldn't really see the ball. Then Cassy threw the ball and it hit this truck that was parked outside and the alarm went off and everyone just ran inside. Oh man, it was funny. Oh...I'm tired! I gotta study though! Ahhhhh!! Damn finals. I guess I could work on my art final right now. It only has to be a one page report. That is like waay to easy for us IB-ers. I bet a few of the kids have already forgotten about it. I almost did. I think I should go to sleep. Ahh...I still need to work on my math review! This is terrible.

I went to go see my Grandpa at the hospital today. Oh...He looks allright. It was sad; I called him yesterday and I cried afterwards because I was sad. He sounded so sad...It was terrible. Oye. I wrote this thing for yesterday, but I'll type it tomorrow maybe. Ok see ya.