Sunday, January 12, 2003

[-I am a moron-]

Ok, so I haven't done my math or chem review yet. Danggit. Ok, well, I guess I'll do it after the Simpsons. Today we did well. Actually won our games. Well, not that we suck or anything.

Today, I realized that I just think about myself. I need to wake up and smell the coffee. There's other people out in that huge world Sara. Ok, I think I'm better now. But uh, yeah. Bought some new cleats today. They're the kind with the interchangeable cleats. So hopefully the shoe part doesn't break right away. Hmm...I had a nice dream. It made me feel warm and fuzzy. Well, not really, but it was nice and fun. I think I'll start writing my dreams down again. Maybe they'll inspire a song. I'm really liking this Lee Roy Parnell character. But he doesn't sound like Greg at all. Even my mom agrees. I don't know who told him that, but they're wrong. Haha, I'm not saying that his voice is bad, but they don't sound the same.

Don't you love cowboys?