Monday, November 14, 2005


I just slept through my first class today.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hey Kids,

Hmm I don't know if there's anything new to report. My roommate actually slept in our room last night. She basically doesn't live in our room anymore, but all of her shit is here, and messy. But whatev. Anywho, it's almost Friday!! Yay!

Yeaaaa, so I don't know what else has happened. Oh well. :-)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Hey everybody!

Long time, eh? Well lots has been going on. Blah blah blah. I'll just talk about this past weekend.

So Friday Ahren and I went to go see John Cale (from the Velvet Underground). Lots of old people were there, well not old people, but like in there 40s and 50s. Anyway they were all into it. Most of the students were like "eh" including me. Some of the songs were okay, but he didn't talk to the crowd and he was really mean. But the newspapers in Conway gave a good review. I don't know about our school newspapers though.

Then Saturday didn't do much. Ahren and I went on a date. We went to dinner at Marketplace, and then went to see The Weatherman (Nicholas Cage). It's a really really good movie. I recommend it.

Sunday, did a little bit of HW and I had my radio show. Eh eh eh.

It's Tuesday! Sheesh, the weeks go by faster than the days. Peace out homes.