Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Well I've been trying to get my work done. It's allright. Hah. Anyway, so I was talking to Barbara. I miss her. We always joked about stuff. Yea...So my UC apps are in. Yay! I have to do USC and the other private schools, but they're coming along.

So I thought I had more to say, but I can't remember. Whatever. Bye.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

What's up

Hey all. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Mine was allright. It was weird cuz we did it at my house. Oh well, things are going down the drain. So anyway, I have to do a lot of catching up this weekend. There's a new internal assessment for math, (boo!), the rough draft for the language arts one is due (boo!), and I have to do like 40 pages in my art book. Ghey. So anyway, hopefully I'll be able to get it all done. Hopefully, since I have a tournament and all. Anyway, see you all on Monday.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Well I'm behind on my art book. I really need to do it tonight. Then I have to do my math internal assessment and my world lit paper. Then there's those discussion questions, and Burns' quotes. Gah, I really need this weekend to do crap. But most likely I won't since that's the way I am. Shit.

So anyway, the UC application site is down...geez. I'll have to stay up late and do it. Ghey. Oh well.

Been listening to this Keb' Mo' CD. It's good. I like it, except there are some weird songs, like the one about his Grandma. Whatever...

So yea, I heard some clips on KROQ this morning about the Christmas CD! Christmas Time in the 909. It sounds good! Rouman is going to buy it for us. Yay! I like the last one. So anyway I better get to work.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Long Time

Well, crazy sh*t has been happening. Oh well, I think things are "better" now. Hah. I don't know. Lum just told me that I have a huge problem with my extended essay. Oh Lord. Well, nothing can happen now. It's not really worth it anyway, the max we can get with the TOK essay is 3 points. That's not really worth it, is it? Or am I just mistaken, the crazy girl who like to make excuses for everything. I hate that, when people say don't make excuses, but those are really reasons, not excuses. So I am going to have to say that reason and excuse are interchangeable because people always say "don't make excuses" but they are REASONS! Argh! It makes me mad! I swear.

Thanksgiving is this week. I seriously seriously need to do homework. Why the hell aren't I doing it right now? Geez I'm a moron. Man! Anger!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Fun Stuff and Veteran's Day

Well Wednesday was pretty fun. Even though with all the shit we go through it was a fun day. Especially at lunch. I don't know why, if I recount what happened it probably wouldn't seem funny. Oh well. Aw crap. There's too much shit to do! Uh yea.

Then it was Veteran's Day. Yay Veteran's! You so totally rock. A lot.

So we worked on our catapult. It works now. Yay. But tomorrow is the real test...I have to finish this crap I'm working on. Why do I always get distracted! mf. Whatever. Later.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


So much has happened. Well last week I was a bummer, and this week I'm an angry. Boo! There's waaay too much crap to do. Guitar has been funny, but I still suck. Songs are cool. School is allright. My dad is on a business trip. People like me. Yay.

So today was busy. Had to get up for zero period for Slos. It was ok. I've been tired all day. Boo. So yea. Then stuff. I went to the library to pay for my over due books, $21.75. Dang. Well, they're practically a month late. Oh yea, last Friday was my 6th months. I can legally drive people now. Fun stuff. So yea. Other crappy shit. But if I think of the good things everything is fine. But there are more bad than good? Or is it the other way around? I have no idea. I'm tired of shit. I'm tired of other shit. What ever. Argh.

I really need to get shooting for my photo rolls. Hmm...I better move quickly. Argh.

Peace. Too tired for more.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Weekend in Review

Well it was pretty shitty. But it's better. Well it was ok, except for some stuff.

Friday: "Autumn Harvest" at school. I dressed up as a cowgirl. Yeehaw. I made funny jokes. "I like your costume, going straight this year." Later it was the homecoming game. I had to go and work the softball booth or whatever, actually I was only on clean up so I barely did any work! Haha, suckas. We won. Yay! Beat Moreno Valley 44-13. Alan and Johnny were homecoming king and Stacie and Heather were queen. It was weird that they were both tied.

Saturday: Had games. Went to Rouman's party with a couple of my softball friends. It was fun. I was Daria, but people thought I didn't dress up. Whatever losers. Played Kareoke Revolution. Oh the highlight Roy singing "Like A Virgin". He actually got platinum. Go Roy! Yay. Yep.

Sunday: Had games. Was tired. Hardly any trick-or-treaters. Whatever.

Today: LANG'S BIRTHDAY! Yay Lang! Wooo! 18! Yea! Go buy some porn and cigarettes! Haha...

i love ... and ... and ... and ... and not you. Hahaha, I'm just kidding. you too.