Thursday, May 30, 2002


Mood: Good
Song: The Screen Savers theme

Well, I'm pissed because the other day I wrote this huge long blog entry, but blogger went down for who knows how long. Well, I wrote about it all once already, I'm not about to do it again. Besides, I don't have time right now. I'm working on my TKM essay. Although I am almost done. I really want to sleep. The only day I went to bed on time was Monday. I'm not sure because I'm so tired. I better go finish it so I can sleep. -*Ciao*-

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Fried My Brain

Mood: OKAY
Song: Joe Cocker - Feelin' Allright

Well, I've been busy. Yesterday was fun. I went to pizza with Sammy, and she invited Noah and Adam. It was fun. I almost didn't go because I was really really tired. I stayed up late trying to finish Going After Cacciato, then I had to read To Kill a Mocking Bird summaries so I could pass the check test. So it didn't even felt like I had eyes. Anyhoo, it was fun. We went back to her house and jumped on the trampoline. Then today I had practice. I did good I suppose. I miss my travel team a lot and now I'm back. I did really good too. I hit the ball farther than anyone else. It kills me though, there's this one girl who is pretty goo, but has a terrible attitude and her fielding stance kills me. DO IT RIGHT! ARH. Oh well. Then we rushed home so I could go to Amy D.'s house. It was funny, Nam pushed Adam T. into her pool. HAHAHA. aah... Anyways, I have games tomorrow, and I want to do HW so see ya later gator.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Hello, I Love You...not really of course

Mood: I'm feelin' allright, oh lord...[if you know the song yay!]
Song: The Odd Couple Theme [you know it]

Well, let's talk about yesterday first. According to Roy, I was in a "freakishly good mood." And I was. I don't know why. Maybe I had a good night's rest. Anyways, I was on top of the world, if you want to put it that way. I was feelin' pretty darn good. I also went to guitar. It was okay. I felt like an idiot. I guess he walked over to The Warehouse, so I was standing there waiting for him like I normally do, and then I hear him say something. So I was confused. Whatever. I got over it. Now, let's talk about today! Yay! Not really, but it was allright. Well, I thought I had lost my calculator, when it was actually in my room. I didn't remember me ever taking it out, but at least it was here and not lost forever. Yup. Oh, I wore a skirt today and the whole world was shocked. I wear skirts all the time. Well not all the time, but I had worn one before. They just don't pay attention. Then tonight was my first practice back with my travel team. I thought I did crappily, but I'm always hard on myself. So I guess I did okay. Boy, am I going to be sore tomorrow or what? I can feel it. Well not a lot. I was pretty good except when we did....dang, I forgot what they were called, something kick. When I remember I'll tell you.

That's pretty much it. I have to go read anyways. My dumb outside reading is due tomorrow and I still have 500 pages. Well, the book I'm reading now is 336 pages so I have 200 more. But I don't know if she'll let me go after my date. You should read this book. It's called Going After Cacciato. I am sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it. It's about these guys in the Vietnam War. It's good. I have 150 more pages to go. :-( I better get started. P.S. I'm looking for a commenting system so you can write me little messages. If you know one e-mail me at:

Monday, May 13, 2002

Hello x 2

Mood: Sad / Ehh
Song: America - Muskrat Love [don't ask]

Well, I'm sad because my mom is mad at me when I didn't even do anything. Okay, we went to the store to buy some clothes, and they didn't have anything I liked, so I only got a pair of pants. So then my dad gets mad at my mom because I wanted to go shopping for a while and when we do go I don't even buy anything. Anyhow, he didn't get mad at me and so my mom as mad at me for no reason. What am I supposed to do? I can't make the stores have clothes I like. What the hell?

Then this weekend sorta sucked. We went down to Imperial Beach, near San Diego, for Mother's Day. It was nice because my family got together, but it sucked because we didn't even so anything. It was cool that our hotel was right on the beach and the ocean was right there, but we didn't do anything exciting. I did exactly the same thing I do at home, but I didn't have to clean. We went on walks along the beach, but I usually walked alone. Either my mom and aunt walked together while my dad and uncle walked together, or my mom and dad and then my aunt and uncle. So I was ultimately a loser. It was sad. I wanted to go do something. The highlight of the day was going out on the pier to get fish tacos. IT SUCKED. And then my dad is like, "Well, that's what your mom and grandma want to do." Well, what can I do? I can't take myself anywhere. So this is great.

Today was alright. I got over my mom being mad at me. Well, I don't know what I can do, so she can be mad for all I care. It wasn't very nice when I said hello to her when she got home. She had just been talking to my sister and then when I say hello she responds in an annoyed voice. Yeah, I appreciate that. Then 6th period was cool. We don't have to do anything anymore for softball. All we have to do is sit there. That's good because it's getting hot. Well, I must go work on that endless homework. And I have to read [Let's] Kill a Mockingbird. HAHA. Okay, bye.

Tuesday, May 07, 2002


Song: The Doors - Hello I love you

That song rocks! Anyways, I'm happy now. I don't know why. Maybe because I just told my sister all the jokes I heard in the past few days. Yea, then I went to my guitar lesson. The thing that has been pissing me off is stupid softball. The freshman team is so gay! This dumb girl Randi sucks so hard, she's worse than a vacuum cleaner. OMG. She can't even run either. OMG it kills me. Then she's trying to bring me down, or maybe I'm just paranoid, but she takes my spot behind Kelly N. and everyone knows I always run with Kelly. Okay jerk-face. Then whenever I say something she always has something to say against it. Whatever, she's a loser.

Sooo, yeah. I went to guitar tonight. It was good. Learned something new. I'm almost good. Right now I'm okay, but I still need more stuff. More MORE. Yea, so that's all. I have to go do my review and then I might get to go to sleep! Yay! early for once. Bye

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Hey Hey!

Mood: Alright
Song: Eric Clapton - Lay Down Sally

Hello friends. This weekend was fun. Friday practice got cancelled. That was super cool. Then my nieghbor came over to help us with our computer, because he's cool like that. Then my sister came back and we went to Irvine. Then Saturday I went to play a tournament with varsity. And... I actually got in. I pinch hit. And I got a hit! No one really seems to care. No one knows what a big accomplishment that is. I'm not on varsity, then when I go and actually get to prove myself, I do great. Well, I guess other people wouldn't understand. Then today, got up at 11:30, played on the computer, did a little homework, then went to go play over the line with Kelly N. and her dad and brother. It was alright. I only went, so that Kelly wouldn't feel so crappy. See her dad is a little intense with her. It was fun. I hit a few homeruns and learned how to play. I've never played before so I guess it was fun. It probably would have been more fun if I was with my friends and not Kelly's bro and dad. We spent 4 hours playing! It took like 2 hours for each game. I was getting bored and tired. And whenever Kelly would do something wrong her dad would be like, "Come on Kelly, you need to do this, or do that." It was sorta annoying.

Then I got home and had a nice dinner. I called Sammy, and she was disappointed about her weekend. See, she went to go compete at state history day, but lost. I feel sorta bad, because I know that she worked hard on it, and when I talked to her on the phone, she sounded all depressed. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. It's over and done with. Besides, the judges are always prejuduced, because they want there school, or city to win, so you know, stuff like that happens.

We have SAT 9 testing tomorrow, then I think it's done with. Or I hope it's done with. So we've been having block schedualling. It's good. I wish the stupid school board would have voted to pass it. It almost did. It would really help because it would give us an extra day to do our homework. Because we're in IB it's a little harder and besides, some of our teachers can't even get through what they have planned because there is barely an hour for each class. Oh well. I'm happy now, because the homework I thought was due is not due until Tuesday, so I get another day, I was going to do it now, but since I'm so tired I ain't gonna do it.

So tomorrow we have a game, then another game on Thursday, then it's finally over! Wooo! I get out of this crappy freshman team loop. Then I get to go back to my good ol' Wildfire. I would be going back this Saturday and Sunday, but for mother's day we're going to Imperial Beach. Only because my grandparents think they are going to die soon and don't want to do anything, except talk about how much they hurt, ect. So we have to go. I mean, if they would do something else besides just watch me play, they would be in good health. They could go walk around the block or get an exercise bike. Something! Whatever. They don't want to solve their problems, even when their children talk about it to them, or want to help them. Anyways, I am going to go sleep. Have fun in your life, seeing you over computer land. Adios.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002


Mood: Ehh
Song: That one I forgot the name of

I freakin finally did everything I wanted to do. I cleaned my room, which was a mess. Then I practiced my guitar, since I haven't practiced since last week. That's because we have too much homework. If I had time I would do it, it's not like I don't want to practice. Yesterday I went to that IB thing. Got my award and patch. They could have been a little more creative with the design. All it said was MYP 9th Grade. How crappy. And it's just this red circle with black writing. I actually get to go to bed at a decent time tonight, and I have time to read. Sunday I had to make 5 posters for geography. I was working with Therese, but all she did was send me the info. It wasn't that bad to make all the posters myself, but I wanted to go to bed early. Then on Monday I went over to Barbara's to work on the bio project. Adam R. was there too, that was worth it, because we won the extra credit. They voted for us because we used Homer Simpson and some other things. [hehe] So we got 25 more points! Yay! But I left Barb's at 10 and then got home to work on it. It was sad, because I actually fell asleep at the computer. Hehe. Yea, so I went to bed at 2. Then last night I had to go to that IB thing and it ran over like always, so I got home and I had to do somewhat of a lot of homework, so I went to bed at 2:30. But tonight, I'm going to bed now!