Damn it
Mood: So frickin' thirsty [although i'm drinking] ((not booze)) ---weirdo---
Song: There is no song today
Arg-ness. Ok, I wanted to post this really funny thing, but my computer was being stupid. Yes, the 'new' one. I have 3 frickin' computers, but only one will work at a time. I do not know what the hell the problem is. It's not a virus. I ran McAfee every frickin week. And then, we had got a firewall. So it should have been Ok. I was also running Ad-Aware. How the heck does the computer stop working? I wanted to go online or something, but the comp was frozen. I tried to Ctrl Alt Del it, but it wasn't working, so I pressed the reset button. Usually that would have been ok, but nooo, all because of the dumb screen saver. It wasn't even a weird ss. It was a default!! Well, that's not why it wouldn't post. I don't know why it wouldn't post. It would never go. Hopefully the hard drive is ok. I wanna go on that comp and get all my links back, ect. There's this funny convo with Nam I wanted to print out, but I didn't do it in time. Yea, so that funny story was about a bum. Let's see if I can remember:
So it was a while back, I guess it could have been the first day back to school, so I'll just say it was Sept. 3, yea, it was the 3rd, I remember, because I forgot to get the check anyways.......So I was in my guitar lesson then the guy that works there knocked on the door and said "Dude, there's a guy looking in the back of your truck" And Greg says "What? Why is he looking back there, there's nothing back there, there's nothing to steal" and the guy says, "No really, there is, go look, I'm not kidding dude" So Greg goes out there and there's this bum so he says "Hey man, what are you doing?" and the bum says, "Oh, I was just trying to get to that grass over there." then Greg says "you're not gonna throw up on my truck are you?" He's like "Oh, no, I felt like I was gonna pass out for a minute." So Greg is like ok.....and he's gonna walk away, and then the bum asks him for some spare change. He says "No, I don't have any change" and comes back inside. I was funny, he told me what happened, then later on, we were working on this one song and he says something like "yea it's sorta blues-ie" and he starts singing a blues song about a bum leaning against his truck.
I was so funny. I couldn't stop talking about it. Everyone got tired of it, but I still thought it was funny. I guess you had to be there. Yea, it was the first day of school because everything was f**ked up. My dad had jury duty so I didn't know what time he was gonna be home, but I couldn't call him because his cell phone had fallen into a cup of water, and like sat there overnight. So I got my neighbor Elizabeth to take me. Then at the end of the lesson he asks me if I have any questions, and I say no, because I don't, then he says "Well I have one for you: Where's my money?" And I thought "Awww crap" I totally forgot. It wouldn't have made any difference anyways because no one was home to give me a check. But it was really hectic. Yea, then my sister came to pick me up. It was pretty funny because that bum was still out there and he started to walk towards us and Lauren was thinking "Get in the car, get in the car" But I couldn't go fast enough, and the bum asked me for money, but I didn't have any. So Yea, I probably wouldn't have given it to him anyways. I don't know, isn't really their own fault for their poverty? No one forced them to do that. I don't know.
Then on the 11th, (it's still September) It was Melissa's birthday. I called her and talked to her for a pretty long time. She was debating things with me and I really didn't care. She was talking how Bush is an idiot ect...and I really didn't care. I'm supporting Bush, I think he's doing a good job, but I don't know all the facts and I don't want to get in an argument over that with her, because, she 'has to be right'.
Then I don't know when, but Wildfire just wasn't working out. We had one try-out. That was it. The next weekend was a practice. The people that were trying out were not good at all. We were working on throws from the outfield, and cro-hops; I was playing short-stop, you know, being the cut off. Ok, this one girl threw the ball, which was supposed to be at me; the ball hit the 3rd base dug-out fence. I was at the shortstop position. HUH? Yea, that's what I said. They couldn't even throw the ball right. I wanted to be on that team, but I didn't want to be on it if the people didn't know how to play. So it just folded. Now I'm on this team called Venom. It's a dumb name. There uniforms are not cool either. And the original girls are wusses. Other than that, it's A-OK. I don't know. I guess it's allright. Besides, it's only for the winter, so if something better comes along, I can go there, but if nothing is really working out, I'll just have to see what happens. Yea...I'll write more later.
Today was funny. I was late to guitar because I was getting a bloody nose, so I had to fix that. Then when I got there he wanted to go over to this burger place and get a drink, and I said "I'm already late" so he told the guy that works there, that same guy who told us there was a bum, "sorry, she said she's already late" So yea... I wasn't doing to good. Maybe I was. He said he was impressed because I knew the scales he gave me, but I have already been given scales from Mark, and they weren't too different, but he said "You're doing fine, I give this to new students and they only know one scale." I don't know why I was worried. I don't know, it's hard to think and play at the same time. Well, think about playing. It's like softball, if I don't think then I do it right. I had to think because he told me to be creative, so I was trying to sound good, but it wasn't really working out. Haha. Yea, so then he taught me how to bend the strings, but that also wasn't really working out. I was doing ok I guess. It was funny, he demonstrated it and I was just looking and he says "Come on, I know you want to do this" heh. Yea, it was ok. Yea, I guess he hurt his neck so he told me what happened. I guess a couple of years ago he hurt his neck really badly and couldn't move it at all. Then the other day his son (I can't believe he has a son. I guess I can but it was odd when he said it. Cuz he has no ring...I wonder what that story is) and he were at Costco and there was this massager thingy, and he put it on his neck and it started hurting. Then I guess he shampooed his carpet and hurt his neck again. So it ws pretty sad. I said to him "Maybe you shouldn't shampoo your carpets anymore" He said "yea maybe, but I bought a steam cleaner" , "I know you told me" Yea, then he called me George, which is his new name for me, because of Bob is Bob. Yessssss. I told him about Winston he said "Like the cigarettes?" , "That's what I said, but she said it was a dog in All Dogs go to Heaven, so i was like 'uh thanks.'" Haha. It was funny because I told him how I was late, then my dad yelled at me yesterdau, then staying up until 3 trying to finish my hw. He said wow, but it didn't sound like it. Then I told him some other stuff, and he actually remembered. He doesn't rememeber anything. I want to ask him "Do you forget because you want to, or do you forget because you forget" Because, I "forget" things all the time when I want people to talk to me or when I'm feeling insecure. So maybe it's that he wants to.
Then when I was leaving the guy wanted me to go get him a drink. I didn't really wanna do it, but I did anyways, because he was being a jerk. Well cuz I said I don't know, then he does that dumb "well i don't know either" thing. SO I was like FINE. Yea, so I went over there and brought them back, then the piano teacher said "and you didn't ask me?" , "I don't think I could have carried 3 drinks back" I was only kidding, but I guess they took me seriously. I tried to give the change to Greg, but he didn't want it, so I took it, and the guy says "hey where's my change", "in my pocket, Greg said I could have it", "he said you could have his change" then i just kept walking. I should have said "sounds like a personal problem to me" haha. That would have been funny. I'll give it back to him if he really wants it. It was only like 50 cents, and besides, they had to split it, because I bought them both the same thing. Oh well.
Damn, I hate it when I don't write in here. I always wanna write stuff down. But I don't have time. Then whem I finally do it. It takes forever because there is so much I want to say. There's even more stuff I need to talk about:
-Barbie skate
-H2O polo
-Beach and Manley - that secret ballot thingy and rouman
-Teddy bear head
-team party
-Lauren's bday
-tests- take home test
And More!
Damn, so I'll try to put more in tomorrow. Hopefully there is not a lot of hw because it's a minimum day. So...I can only hope. But then I have practice. So maybe after practice. There is so much more! I've been writing for like an hour straight. Actually more. Damn, but there's so much more!!