Friday, January 31, 2003

[-The Friday Five-]

1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why?
Heman! Because I thought he was "hot." (What did I know?) And...Superman! (I still like him!)

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?
A laptop computer, or a real football.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?
It depends on your definition of 'home,' but I would have to say Monteray, CA. Although I've been to New Hampshire.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?
The Banjo! (Just wait...I'll be the best banjo player you've ever seen...hehe)

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
Tonight: Irvine - Chinese New Year baby! (actually it's tomorrow, but we always do everything on Friday). Saturday: Pool games for our tournament. Then Will and Roy are coming over for science fair. Sunday: Tournament games, and then I'm not sure. Probably homework.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

[-Hello Stranger-]

Ok, so I guess it hasn't been that long since I last posted, but hey, I think it is. Unlike Neha, who posts every three months. Haha. Anyways, I don't know what to write about, except conditioning was hard, and I'm sore, and um, I'm super tired. I have to do my dumb lab which is not going to work. I'm going to see Nam's tomorrow. Our frickin' experiment kept getting screwed up! Ay! Ok, so yea. Yesterday sucked! I had 2 hours of practice (1 of ball handling, which is only allowed in 6th, and then 1 of condition, which was tiring) then 3 more hours at my travel practice. Ay caramba. That made me sorta mad. I was pissed off and then I had to do my homework. Oye, I didn't even do my homework, I just went to sleep. What I want to do right now, but I can't. I'm gonna look over F451 so I can be ready for our timed write. (BOO!) Yea...and I should really read our history book. Damn! I missed 13 on our test! Isn't that great...So yea...then I've got to finish my math. I'm on # 37, but I don't know what to do. Ugh, she's making us do a lot! I think I'm going to fall asleep again....

I've been wearing some of my "old" jewelry in these past few days. I don't know...I just felt like it...So we'll see about that. Hmm, that's about it. Oh, why is there so much scandal with Joe Millionaire? What the heck? Ok that's enough of that story. Ciao...

Monday, January 27, 2003

[-La La La-]

If I didn't post enough today...Haha, damn. I still gotta go do my precal. But it's easy this time -- Law of Sines. Not that hard; just gotta fill in the info about the triangle and solve. Like my new countdown? Yep, 136 more days of sophmore year. Which I believe is the crappiest year. Well, jr. high was great. Freshman year was cool; La Isla was fun for our group (haha suckas! just kidding!). You know...But this year just sucks. It's been crappy. Softball got all messed up. Classes are getting harder. I'm not having as much fun. There's science fair (due next Wednesday for all you procrastinators like myself). We're in the middle. Not freshman that are getting to know the school, ect. Not the big dogs (go Huskies!) like the seniors. I don't know about junior year, but I hope its hella lot better than this one. I know a few of you feel the same way. Just gotta live through the rough times.

This chem lab wasn't as hard as I thought it was. I think that's my new problem. I'm so frickin' pessimistic about everything. Well, not everything, but I need to look at the brighter side of things. That reminds me of this one song..."Always look on the bright side of life..." Muahah Monty Python rules! Ok, I'll be happy now...maybe. Hah...
[-How Convienient-]

What Drink Are You?

I'm beer. That's nice. Haha...Ok, better get back to 'work.' No really, I better do it. (damn)
[-Too Stuffed To Jump-]

Actually, that's the title of one of the Amazing Rhythm Aces' albums. They're great. This week in the Happenings Notebook, it's Allman Bros for all the Song's of the Day. Neat-o!

Ok, HS softball sucks monkies. But hey, what can I do. I hate it because the coach doesn't care who I am. At least Bonner knows. She's cool, she likes me because I'm cool (haha, jk, but she does like me). So, whatever. I don't wanna talk about it, it pisses me off. Why? Why does my softball situation piss me off now? Even with some travel stuff. Damn. But I love the game. Can't wait until WF.

School sux! But hey, it's a new semester so I can get back in there! I didn't do that badly. Let's see...A in Spanish 3. B in Precal. B in Language Arts (mother f*cker). A (hopefully) in Euro. A in Chem. A in Art. Yay! I'm not sure about Euro because we didn't have a final. I don't know if my extra credit raised me up...So we'll see. Well, I've got to go because Kelly N. asks waay too many questions. ARG. And I've got to do my homework. I had frickin' conditioning, and then I went to the store with my mom to buy some softball stuff. Then I had to eat...Ok I'll shut up now. Rock on!

Sunday, January 26, 2003

[-Hey Friends!-]

I had a really nice morning yesterday. I was busy with games, now I'm tired. (But I said I wasn't going to talk about them anymore, so no). Listening to the Allman Brothers right now. They're so great. I'm going to learn "Stormy Monday" on Tuesday. It's a cool little blues song. I'm going to have to get up at 5 am, or so. I have to 'time it out.' I need some time to practice my guitar. Conditioning is going to start after school pretty soon, well, tomorrow actually. Hehe, so I'm going to have to do homework when I get home, so we'll see. That reminds me, I've got to go get all my stuff together for school. (BOO!)

The Buccaneers won the Super Bowl! Yay! Well, I wasn't really rooting for one team or the other, but damn, the Raiders sucked there. I only got to see the 4th quarter, but they sucked. (Sorry Raiders fans).

I've got to go, do something fun! Actually, this is pretty fun, but whatever.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

[-"Don't it make you wanna dance..."-]

Last night was fun. I don't know. My cousin is sorta mean to her mom. Um, Her 'boyfriend' is spending the night. Which is a bad idea. He's a senior! What the hell!? Ok, so I guess it's allright with her mom, but the problem is she doesn't know that they're going out (hence the 'boyfriend')'s bad. I don't know. Ugh....WHY? Right now my uncle is on a flight to Vietnam. He's coming back on the 15th. I don't know what's going to happen; he's going with his ex-fiance. He's trying to "win her back" I guess you could say. He cancelled the wedding on 2 different occasions. So, I don't know...

All I've been thinking about these past few days is playing my guitar. I don't know, it may be the Stevie Ray, or the Clapton, but that's all I think about. I really want to be able to play what I hear, but I've got to learn how to listen. Oye. I think I'm going to have to get up early and practice. Well, high-school ball is starting, so I'm pretty much only going to have time to do my homework when I get home. So I guess I'll get up at 5 am, or something. It's worth it.

Friday, January 24, 2003

[-The Rolling Stones-]

Going to Irvine tonight. But my sister is alseep, so I don't know when we're leaving. Damn, I don't know why I get nervous when I play my guitar for my dad. He wanted me to play Hot Rod Lincoln, but I was all nervous so I sucked! AHHHH! Ok, I think we're leaving now. Allrighty...
[-"Well, now now darlin', may I have little talk with you"-]

Some more Stevie Ray. I woke up about 40 minutes ago. Haha, yea...Well I went to bed at 3 am. I didn't realize what time it was. Damn. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I love it when there's no school. I'm probably going down to Irvine tonight. My sister thinks she's going down there. And I don't have to get up early, so that's cool. I guess that's about it. I'm trying to fix the layout of my comments, but it doesn't want to work. (Damn the man!)
[-'The Sky Is Crying'-]

Stevie Ray. I finally fixed my commenting thing. Altough it's not what I wanted in the first place it's still cool. Well, I can't get any other of them to work, so it's cool. ::Yawns:: I wonder what Neha's up to. I'll talk to her. Damn, it's almost 1 am. I should sleep. Mmm...sleep.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

Isn't that lovely? I'm Grover On Ecstacy.

Thursday, January 23, 2003


Hmm...Well, I guess I'm not bored; just wanted to write it. Everyone's probably sleeping because they're so tired from damn finals. Hah. So I took a nap today. Here's what I wrote when I woke up:

[-I'm all messed up-] 6:22 pm
Uhh...I just woke up like 10 minutes ago. I took a 3 and a half hour nap. I'm still tired, but I have to go to batting practice. It feels so weird. It feels like I'm getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to get up and go somewhere for games or something. Ehh...But I had a couple of weird dreams. So here they go. I was at this house, sort of like in the jungle. (I don't know). Alanna was there, and she was asleep. Then Janae woke her up and pissed her off. For some reason my team and I were there to learn guitar. Some instructors were there. Greg was asking if they could get it. I could. (Because I'm soo grreat. Just kiddin'). Then Evelyn came to see how we were doing. That was weird. # 2. I'm at the same house (different dream though) with Darryl, Tiana, and Alanna. We're going to set the house on fire (scorch and burn policy. damn War and Peace movie. JK!) Some reason Dave Goeson, one of my old coaches was there. So I ask what I need to get out of there. I get my guitars and backpack, then the house goes up in flames. Well, most of the stuff had already been taken out. So everyone gets out of the house, but Dave is no where to be found. He's MIA (missing in action). I was actually sad in my dream. Anyways that's about it. Just remember it's 6:22 pm, not am.

I thought it was interesting. It was a nice nap. I need to go practice my guitar. I've been bad; I'm supposed to be running for softball, but I haven't had the chance. There's not enough time for anything. Or maybe I just don't want to do it and subconsciously changing all my plans to not have time for it. Nah.

I got my mom to redo my nails. They're pink. I wonder what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't think I made any plans. My mom might take half the day off. So we'll see. I might get to hang out with my uncle. Hmm...Something weird is going on with him. He wants to hook back up with his ex-fiance. I don't know about that. He's cancelled the wedding twice! Ok, I would not take that bastard back the 2nd time. Not saying my uncle is a bastard, but he did sorta "break her heart." I guess he's going to Vietnam with her (she's Viet). I don't know. I guess he's been telling my younger cousin to call him 'Uncle Stupid' because he "let a good thing go twice." That is so sad, it makes Kevin depressed. So, I don't know. I hope I didn't make plans with anyone tomorrow. I don't think I did. Oh, Gabriels going to be upset. I can't go to his party. I've got games. I don't know why, but they're at 3:30 pm and 8 pm. So if I did go to his party I'd be there for about 40 minutes, or less. So, that's not going to work. I'm sure they'll have fun without me. Hmm...Leeroy Parnell rules!!
[-Finals are OVER!!-]

Hells yeah! Ok, so I don't think I did that bad on my precal final today. Considering I started my review for it last night. She like gave it to us last Friday and I hadn't done it until yesterday. Damn, that's why I was so mad at myself. This semester I'm going to do everything right. Well, hopefully. It will be my test to see if I'll be able to handle IB next year. If I go into it, it's like something really major. It could end up having me quit softball, but I really don't want to do that. So if I can handle this semester better than this one; well, we'll just have to see. So I'm not going to procrastinate anymore. I've got some good things that help me stay motivated, so I think I'll do better. Anyways, I wrote this yesterday, I didn't get a chance to post:

[-I Love My Guitar-] 12:38 AM 1/23/03
I'm studying for precal right now. I almost fell asleep at my desk, but I freaked and woke up. I made myself get up and go walk around my house and print out my art final. Then I picked up my guitar to play a little bit. For that 15 minutes or so I truly forgot all about math. But when I set it down, looked back at my desk I thought "Aww man, I forgot I had to do this." I © it! I'm sad though. I dented it. Well, there was this really small dent and I have no idea how it got there, but now this dent is like huge. Well, not really, but I think it is. When Sammy called I got up to get the phone from my dad so I stood up and closed the door, and when I closed the door the top fell off. So down went my guitar. So my B and E strings were way outta tune, but I fixed that. Now it's strapless. But hey, now it's got 'character.' (Hopefully)/ I think it still sounds allright. Ha! I also bent the jack. I don't know how my guitar landed, the damage doesn't tell me. But that's allright, I better go back to studying.

Yep. Here's one from Saturday:

[-Damn-] 11:02 PM 1/18/03
Time flies when you're having fun. My family came over tonight for dinner, my aunt (Irma), my cousins (Sam and Kev), Kristin (Sam's friend), my uncle (Toulouse), and my neighbor (John). I played guitar for them. Well, not all of them. I guess they liked it. We had fun, but it's allready 11 pm. I should have been in bed already, but that's where I'm writing this from. I had to kick them out of my room. We were trying to distinguish between the colors of these cell phone covers. It was orange.
We had our pool games today. We sucked! I think I'm going to stop writing about my team. They're...Nevermind. I'm not talking about them anymore.
So tomorrow is Adam's party. I have nothing to give him. I guess I'll give him an IOU because I really didn't have time to go buy anything. I owe Roy his birthday present too. Damn, and his birthday was in November! Ay ya! I better go to sleep now. Ciao.

Now wasn't that exciting. Sarah T. really needs to stop poking me. I'll just poke her eyes out. Just kidding! Allrighty. I think I'll go take a nap or something. I really wanna learn some jazz stuff on the guitar. I don't know, but jazz guitar is great. "Oh sleep, sweet sweet sleep..."

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

[-Minimum Days Are Cool-]

Yay for minimum days. Ok, well school still sucked because of finals. The Spanish one was ok, but I think I failed the chem one. Oh well, I'll still get a B in the class. Ugh-ness. I have to study like crazy for my math final. I can only miss 2 to get an A in the class. Oh man. Kelly N. said she had a little trouble with it. Oh man. Ok, well I'll go in early I guess. If the sub is there. Yamano-Gray has to go to a funeral. That's pretty sad. So we'll see what happens. Haha, I'm a loser. Ok, I'll write more later tonight. I'm going to go practice my guit-box and do my math review! AHHH!! ;-)

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

[-Thank God For Guitar-]

Well I am/was really pissed off today. Well, I didn't get a chance to finish my math review. I like did nothing this weekend which really pissed me off. (Read my other posts). Anyways, SO today we're supposed to meet for our dumb CD project and like dumb Adam R. fucked everything up. No really, he did fuck everything up. Ok I called him last night and said "Why don't we meet tomorrow night at 7:30 [pm]" "Oh, ok, hold on a sec. (then I hear) Hey Mom, Can I go to Sara's after school tomorrow?" What the fuck did I just say? 7:30!! Ok, so then I say "No Adam, I don't want to meet right after school. Sammy has practice and I need to study before." Then he says, "Well, do you think Sammy's mom can give me a ride?" What the fuck? Um, hello? I don't want to meet after school. So then he tells me he's going to go call Sammy. So this morning when I meet Sammy at the door I say "Did Adam call you yesterday?" Her and her mom say something like "No, oh wait I think he called in the afternoon." AHHHHHHH That bastard. SO I tell her about the night before. So we go to school and Sammy's already pissed off at Adam because she has a game and can't meet. Then Roy says he's got to go to Tae Kwon Do so he can't be there until 5 or so. So Adam says, "Why don't I just go to you're house at 5 then?" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? YOU ALREADY MADE ME CHANGE MY PLANS LIKE 4 TIMES, WHY THE HELL WOULD I AGREE NOW!? So I freak out on him because we went through this big ordeal. And besides, I had to go to guitar tonight. I don't think he should be in our group any more. I think we should trade the Adams. Adam is such a jerk too. Like when he goes to people's houses, he like asks them to make him something. Um Ok NO. What the hell? They're kind enough to let you into their house, you don't need them waiting on you hand and foot. What the hell!? So everything got fucked up so I was all pissed off when I went to guitar. It was sad, because the new guy that goes before me said hello and I was mad so I had a mean tone. Ugh! So I was all pissed and Greg says "What's wrong? Talk to me I'm your therapist" Ahaha, no. I thought it was funny. (BTW he was just joking around). So I said "I hate my friends. Because they ruined my day." "Oh, well one of my friends ruined my day yesterday." Cool, I'm not the only one. So we worked on Honky Tonk Woman. He was going to show me Wild Horses, but I said "OH, you know what, I wanted to learn Hot Rod Lincoln." So he showed me that. Then was telling me about how he's teaching Bob, Melissa. I like that song and Bob sucks monkeys. So I don't know. That's it. I'm tired of writing. More later.

So we end up talking about Allman Bros. I said I love them and he thinks its cool that I'm into it. I said "Yea, oh my God, it's such good music." Like everything I listen too is great. My friends are retarded. They don't see the quality. So he's going to teach me Stormy Monday. How awesome. I told him Bob was jealous of me playing the Les Paul, I got to rock out with Amy, (he said it's more fun with someone who knows how to play. I said I know, but she's the only one because Bob won't). So guitar made me in a lot better mood. Yay. But then I had to come back to this crap. FUCK!! It's almost midnight and I haven't studied for anything! I've got to print out this thingy then I better study like no joke. Drink some coffee or something. Oh lordy, help.
(So that CD thing really pissed me off and made me stressed, but it's ok because I only have finals to worry about. MOTHER FUCKERS).

Monday, January 20, 2003

[-This Sucks-]

Ugh...I'm a fucking moron. I should have worked on this earlier but nooo. I'm stupid. Ok, so I'm trying to do our 80 question math review for the final. This sucks!! I can't remember how to do anything. Around 9:30 pm my dad said "Go to bed soon." I was like 'Yea fricking right.' What the hell, um ok NO. I can't. I've got to do this stupid review. And besides, how often do I go to bed early? Only when I have games. So there. I'm tired, but I have to do this because I'm a mother fucker and decided to wait until the last minute. And then dumb Adam wants to come over right after school! Ahh!! I can't do that. Frick. I'm going to have to tell him no! I'm supposed to be running and crap for softball, but not if these morons keep messing up my plans. God, why is sophmore year so crappy? Sorry.

I went over to Amy's today. She really doesn't know how to play. I tried to show her some stuff, but I guess she was too intimidated. I just wanted to show her some stuff, but she wouldn't do it. I think I played for like 4 hours. My fingers were raw. Well, sort of. I usually don't play for that long, straight. But I guess I had fun. Especially after I ruined everyone's day. Well, my sister wanted to go to IHOP. Ok, so that's cool, right? Well when I woke up she wasn't even ready and that was like about noon. I totally didn't want to get up that late. AHH! I really wanted to study, so now I'm here trying to catch up on my FUCKING PLANS!!!!!!!!!!!! So then I get pissed off and say "NO I'm not going to go to IHOP with you anymore." She took too fucking long! Goddammit. So I told them they had to wait until after they took me to Amy's. God, why am I so......?

I'm going back to work. "Something's happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there telling me I've got to beware. Everybody let's stop, hey, what's that sound, everybody look what's going down."
[-A Night At The Rouman's-]

Haha, Adam's party was fun. The card I made him was pretty sad. It said "Adam Rouman, this is your life!" Then on the inside it was blank. Haha, but I wrote stuff on the back because I thought it would be mean. I got him the judge from the Simpsons. It talks and is pretty funny. We had fun. There were a lot of people there. We played Super NES, PS2 and XBox. I was trying to play this one NBA game and I really sucked. I said "where's the button where you can take them out?" That would have been cool. Vishaal and I lost I think. I don't remember. But it was fun. We went outside and played catch, but the streetlights by his house really suck, so you couldn't really see the ball. Then Cassy threw the ball and it hit this truck that was parked outside and the alarm went off and everyone just ran inside. Oh man, it was funny. Oh...I'm tired! I gotta study though! Ahhhhh!! Damn finals. I guess I could work on my art final right now. It only has to be a one page report. That is like waay to easy for us IB-ers. I bet a few of the kids have already forgotten about it. I almost did. I think I should go to sleep. Ahh...I still need to work on my math review! This is terrible.

I went to go see my Grandpa at the hospital today. Oh...He looks allright. It was sad; I called him yesterday and I cried afterwards because I was sad. He sounded so sad...It was terrible. Oye. I wrote this thing for yesterday, but I'll type it tomorrow maybe. Ok see ya.

Friday, January 17, 2003

[-My eyes are burning-]

I probably should be studying right now. I think I'm going to fail 2 of the 3 finals. The only one I might do good on is, wait, actually I think I'm going to fail all three. Ok, well I don't understand Spanish that well. Um Precal...wasn't looking so good the last time I checked. that's a completely other story. Chem is hard, I really don't like it...So I think I'm going to study. I think Rouman's party will be fun. It's on Sunday if any of you forgot. So maybe I'll see you there. Ok, study time.
[-"We just can't get enough, just can't get enough..."-]

Ok, today was allright. Thankfully Ms. Yammano-Grey's husband is niiicee. Heck yea. Well that really hard freaking test was really fricking hard. So he told her to add 15 points. Yay! It helped me a lot. I got a C with it. I would have gotten a D though. Argh. Why am I such a moron? I've been doing badly like in the past couple of months. I don't know, but I better shape up.

Conditioning sucked. Ok, I was late, but they started early. They said meet at the track, but nooo, they're on the field. Then when I get there I run out to go do streching, then they all freaking yell at me because I didn't take my God damn warm up lap. OK, how the hell am I supposed to know! WTF. Fricking assholes. So then we run a "mile." I really don't think it was a mile. But hey, whatever. I ran it in 8:55. So if it was a mile I improved a lot. But I don't think it was...Then we did other stuff, and our dumb coach pointed out everything that was wrong with the way I was doing it. Ok, I'm sorry jerk, but I've been told how to do it other ways. Then we took some dumb pictures for our sponsors. Damn it all.

Thursday, January 16, 2003


Yay! I'm done with my chem notebook. I'm an idiot, see, I didn't number every page, I numbered by assignment, so that made it seem like I only had 77 things, but in reality I had 129 pages. Muaha. I'm good. Thanks to Kelly N. and Barbara! So that's cool. I finally got my academic letter yesterday. It also happened to be Lumberjack day. Lumberjacks rule! Remember Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mocking Bird? Whoa-yeah! So it was cool.

Damn, I was supposed to call Adam R. but I sorta fell asleep on the ground. And then Amy B. called. I talked to her for a while, but then she had to go. But we're still talking now. That's about it. I think I'm going to bed soon. See ya later/
[-Whoaaa, Sorry-]

I've been an ass today. Sorry everyone. Ok, well. Let's see...1st period: Mrs. Myerly sucks like hell. 2nd period: Oh that gosh dang awful precal test!!! AHHHH!!! Ok, now that that's over, um everyone thinks they did bad. Snack: Finishing the precal test. 3rd period: the discussion on F-451 blew. Manley is a retard. "I wanna go off on a tangent, but wait, let's keep talking about this dumbass question..." 4th period: Notes. And a nice little movie about Napoleon. Lunch: Stupid science fair project. Will sucks because he doesn't know how to use a scale. An electronic scale. (what the hell is that?) 5th period: Ate lunch, and did our review thingy. 6th period: Got my piece of linoleum to make my print. Which now looks like an eye up close. After school: Conditioning. I'm so proud of myself. I ran the mile well, and I beat this girl I really don't like. My time wasn't that great (9:30) but hey, my travel team does no conditioning what-so-ever. That $2000 guitar was some great motivation...

Sara(h) Tharp(e) sucks. (haha, just kidding Sarah...I did it to annoy you. And stop touching my hat!!)

Travis is a good artist. I wish I could draw. That surfer dude looks great. Keep up the good work!

You know, I didn't realize it until yesterday how cool it was to play Greg's guitar. I guess I was just stunned. It was cool. Bob was jealous. Muahahaha! She'll never get to...

Yesterday was allright, I was tired. I fell asleep around 10:30 pm on Tuesday, only to wake up at 4:30 am. I hadn't finished my homework yet, so I did that. Then I had practice last night. It was cool. He cut it short. We got outta there around 8:15 pm, instead of 9:30 pm. So came home, took a shower, ate dinner. Then I had my mom do my nails. They're orange-ish. If it was maybe blended with yellow it would make a cool color for a guitar. But anyways, I fell asleep like right after she did it. omG...My dad thought I was joking because my mom always falls asleep like that. But I was actually asleep. Um...Let's see, so I woke up about 3:40 am, and my mom was awake. I asked her why she didn't wake me up. She said I "needed to sleep." I said "No, I needed to study for my math test." (Ay Caramba!) Ok, so yea...Then that led into today. But I better stop talking now, I've got to type up chapter 9 review for Sean. (That lazy bum). Haha.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Tuesday, January 14, 2003
[-"We like country music, we like to rock and roll. We hear the same old thing everywhere we go, every body wants to boogie. Boogie woogie allnight long...-]

What is my problem? Why haven't I been doing my homework earlier? Rrrr. Ok, well I found out about softball. I'm just like the biggest downer of it all. Everytime something is said I complain or say something about how it's retarded. Ehh...We've got conditioning after school tomorrow through Friday, although I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. Will and I have to do our science fair project. Roy can't come to school. He's sick, he's got strep throat. Eww. JK. Our dumb sub was terrible. We were supposed to be working on our CD for Farenheit 451, but nooo, let's play this dumb game where we go around and tell everyone a little about themselves. Oh yeah...that's sooo much fun. I don't care anymore...

Guitar was fun. Worked on the "A Little Bit of You." It was weird because I was at 6:30 pm, not 5:30. But it was cool. Just like the good ol' days with Mark. (See, I used to go to Mark at 6:30 on Tuesdays). So, I knew the drill. I asked Steven if the door was locked. Heck yea. Anyways, I wanted to buy strings for Andrean and Steve. Sooo, I said "I wanna buy strings for my friends." Then he just sits there, so I say "Are you going to help me purchase something, or are you just going to sit there?" So...he says "well, I don't know what you want" (ok, when I just totally said that I wanted some strings). So he gets them for me. Now Andi and Steve owe me $7 each. Muahaha. Greg taught me the intro and verse to "Honky Tonk Woman" because "I'm a honky tonk woman." Hehehe, yep. I think it's funny that I like the same kind of music as my friends' dads'. So, I've got to work on those. It sorta bothers me that he doesn't remember anything. Hah, well, sorta. He kinda remembers stuff. But yea. OOO he let me play his $2000 guitar. It's nice. Well, I really don't know the difference between a nice guitar and a shotty one. So...yea. It's a Gibson standard. It's yellow. It's his favorite. I forgot why he brought it. But it was nice. So I guess that's about it. I have to work on my math review and type up this dumb outline. I'll just copy down the basic facts (like always). Allrighty. See ya later.

Monday, January 13, 2003

[-Yesss! I got a replacement!-]

Haha! Yess!! Amy B. is going to rock out with me. Hey, that rhymes. Anyways, I just finished watching "Joe Millionaire." Good thing he didn't pick Heidi, that bitch. She had a frickin' boyfriend! What the hell is that. CHEATER! Anyways, I hope Zora wins. She's cool, like me. Haha. Anyways, I got a replacement for Bob. Since she said: "I'm never going to Sara's house. I play guitar for myself and it'll feel like I'll be performing for her." What the hell? Um, ok, I just want to play guitar. Anyways, Amy might be weird...I'm not sure, Turner said that he saw her one day and she was all goth/punked out. Which is cool, I mean, I don't have a problem with it, it's just that I haven't seen her for a long time. So it'll be weird. She said I had a pretty good singing voice, although it was over the phone. I really need to keep up with my old friends. People change so quickly. So much stuff has "gone down" in the past week, it's crazy. But anyways, Amy and I were jamming over the phone. We both turned our amps up and were playing. Well, I guess you could say I was "playing" because she doesn't really know any songs. I tried to explain how to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, but she sorta doesn't have a grasp on the explaination. That's a hard song too. Well barre chords are hard when you first start. You've got to hold down more than one string with a finger. Well, and she also couldn't see what I was doing. But it was fun. I'm all excited now. I know she'll come over. Yesss....

Anyways, I'm supposed to write about 2 of the 4 coolest people in my art class. First there's Sarah. Yay! Ok, she's nice, but can be a dumb blonde sometimes (but she's not blonde). I forgot what she was telling me. But I can't really talk to her about music since we like totally different genres. But I guess that's ok. Well, I like rock, but not the new stuff. Well, some of it, but most of it no. Um, she uses a cool Freeze pencil (the one I bought her for xmas). She kept taking mine. Hehe. So she's cool...
Then there's Travis. I really don't know what to say about him. He's a nice guy from what I can tell. He doesn't talk much, so I don't know much about him. I guess that he plays guitar a little bit and started playing again. That's cool. Uhhh...He's Eric V.'s friend. He's weird like Eric. Haha, actually I don't know. He's pretty quiet. That's about it for these two. Nothing that exciting.

I need to go finish my math. I've got a little bit more to do and then I need to study for my Spanish test. Oh joy. Spanish. I better study hard though. This stuff is going to be on the final. Oh it was cool. I got this certificate saying that I had a 3.6 or better last year, so I can get my academic letter now. Yay! Most of us IB-ers got it. So that's cool. I think that's about it for today. Oh, that dumb fat girl that threw nachos at us tripped. Ah-HA-HA! Ok, well she threw nachos at us. Don't you think I'd be bitter? It was sorta gross. Her boob like popped out. Almost. It was gross. Anyways, Mrs. Houseman likes my song "a lot" and "likes the beat." Which is good. I hate chem; partially. Well, sometimes I enjoy it. Other times he/it pisses the heck outta me. But I gotta finish some of that up. Allrighty..."If you like the Ukulele Lady, Ukulele Lady like a'you. If you like to linger where it's shady, the Ukulele Lady linger too. If you kiss Ukulele Lady while you promise ever to be true, and she sees another Ukulele Lady foolin' around with you. Maybe she'll sigh (an awful lot), maybe she'll cry (and maybe not), maybe she'll find somebody else by and by..."

Sunday, January 12, 2003

[-I am a moron-]

Ok, so I haven't done my math or chem review yet. Danggit. Ok, well, I guess I'll do it after the Simpsons. Today we did well. Actually won our games. Well, not that we suck or anything.

Today, I realized that I just think about myself. I need to wake up and smell the coffee. There's other people out in that huge world Sara. Ok, I think I'm better now. But uh, yeah. Bought some new cleats today. They're the kind with the interchangeable cleats. So hopefully the shoe part doesn't break right away. Hmm...I had a nice dream. It made me feel warm and fuzzy. Well, not really, but it was nice and fun. I think I'll start writing my dreams down again. Maybe they'll inspire a song. I'm really liking this Lee Roy Parnell character. But he doesn't sound like Greg at all. Even my mom agrees. I don't know who told him that, but they're wrong. Haha, I'm not saying that his voice is bad, but they don't sound the same.

Don't you love cowboys?

Saturday, January 11, 2003

[-"They're ain't nothing that a little bit of you can't cure"-]

I watched Frankenstein (1931). It was allright. It's short, only about an hour and a half. I watched Live From the Grand Ole Opry on CMT (Country Music Televison). I'm just trying to see what kind of country is playing out there. Well, if I go line dancing I should know a little about the music.

Dude, my sister is dumb. Everyone has to do something for her right this second, but when you want her to do something she waits until you end up doing it yourself. Then she asks you if you needed that thing to be done. Stupid...I probably should be going to bed now. Considering I have to wake up at 5 am. Oh, by the way, why doesn't anyone make comments? It makes me sad. If you all had blogs I would soo write comments on them. Ok, bye...
[-Well, lookie here-]

Which Greek Goddess are you?

How interesting. I guess Noah's trying to be cool like me and play the guitar. Yay! That's good. I might have someone to jam with now. Unlike those other people (::ahem, ahem, cough cough, you know who you are::). Haha, just kidding. So...I'm bored. I think I'll go practice or something. Cool. See ya laters.

La dee dum da. Well I had a double header today...We played Jenna's team (you probably don't know her) Cal Spirit, and then we played Sidewinders. We won. Which was good because those are 14 and under teams. I went 3 for 6 (.500). Damn Amy B! She got a Fender Stratocaster for Christmas. I guess it's Cherry red with a white pick gaurd. When I get my Strat I want it to be white with a red turtle shell pick gaurd. Now that looks slick. Whoooaaaaayeaahh!

"Knock knock knocking on heaven's door..." "Eeevil woman...eevil woman...evil woman how you done me wrong..." ELO rocks! Heck yea! I just want someone to jam with. I hope some one will learn the guitar quick so we can rock out. Now I'm looking at Amy B. not Bob...(stupid...).

I hope we don't have a lot of homework this weekend. I've been thinking about what we have to do and it doesn't seem like a lot. Yay! Ugh...I have to wake up at 5 am tomorrow. Our first game is at 7:45 am! 7:45!? what the hell is that? So, whatever. But I guess we're going to get done early. I need to write a song about myself. Hmmm...It'll start out with "Coolness..." Haha, just kidding kidding. It's not going to be like that. Hopefully it will be "deep." That's all for now...

Friday, January 10, 2003

[-Lee Roy!-]

Aww this song is sweet..."A Little Bit of You" by Lee Roy Parnell. I finally got these songs downloaded. But his and Greg's voice do not sound alike at all. Well, I don't think so. I just came back from Cassy's house. Andrea and Jeanne were then. Then Melanie Pickle showed up later. But I left a few minutes after that. I sorta felt uncomfortable because her and I got off on the wrong foot. I don't know. But Cassy said she's going to take me line dancing to see those hot cowboys! She actually likes country too. I'm glad I went to her house. I got to catch up on the good ol' times. We talked about some dorks of "friends." They're not really friends, although some of them would like to think so. Haha, I'm so mean. I gotta put a link to the cool book on here. Ugh...I have to go to bed right about now. I have games tomorrow morning. I actually woke myself up this morning. Well, my dad sorta got mad when I didn't wake up yesterday. So I actually set my alarm clock and got up. But he had already left, so it didn't really matter. Um....I think that's about it. I'm excited about this line dancing thing. Hmm...I like country music. Oh yes, yes I do...
[-Um, Yes.-]

I'm pretty bored right now. Actually I've had worse. I should go do homework or practice my guitar. But what I really want to do is download some music. I really want to hear some Lee Roy Parnell. Something good is going to come from this, but I don't know what. I want to hear what he sounds like!!! Ok, so I'm going to do that right now. And uh, I guess download some Dead Kennedys although I don't know if I'll like them or not.

I think I might be going to Cassy's house tonight. So we'll see. School was pretty boring. The winter sports assembly sucked, as all other assemblies do. But next week I'm so dressing up for Lumberjack day. Hahaha, "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I sleep all night and work all day..."

Oh you know another thing that pissed me off today was those dumb Mexican kids that sit by us at lunch. Ok, they totally threw nachos at us. Frickin' morons. It like got all over Adam T. then they tried to pretend it never happened. Fuckers. Oh you know my new thing where I keep a pen in my back pocket? Well I do. So it actually worked today. Roy thought it was totally cool. While we were at LSU (La Sierra Unv.) the professor/head of the chemistry department asked for a pen because we had to label the bismuth. Although not that important to us. Um, well I guess you need to label things. It's important. But then the guy tried to steal my pen. He could have so given it back to me, but he just left it on the table. Bastard. Haha, well then he said that we 'have' to go there since we used them. But he was only joking. And why would I want to go there if I could so get into a better college. Anyways, I think the commenting thing works now. So leave a comment. Ciao...

Thursday, January 09, 2003

[-Ay Caramba! and I hate this sometimes...-]

So, yea. Today was allright. I wrote this yesterday after getting pissed off at Beach. I don't think it needs an explanation:
I decided to write this now, when I'm full of rage--
Dumbass Me. Beach was supposed to call La Sierra University so we could go pick up out G-d damn bismuth! But he didn't call to order it so Roy can't get it. They're not allowed to give out anything no matter how non-dangerous it is. MF!! So we fucking called that bastard and he's asleep. His daughter answered the phone. Mother Fucker! So now he owes us an extention because he didn't call the dumbass plave. MOFO!!
Well, I would say that's full of rage. But Roy and I went to go get it today. So we don't have to turn in this big thing because he didn't call yesterday. So I have to make some sort of table right now so that we can just write in our data.

Wow, it feels a lot later than if really is. Probably because I'm so tired. Haha, you should have seen all the religion projects yesterday. Fun-ney stuff. Well some of the groups cheated and didn't make it didactic. Ok that was the whole point. I'm assuming Neha's group won. Although there tree doesn't look like a Bhodi tree. Ok, it looks like it came out of some forest in America. It has pinecones! Ok, sorry. Nothing compares to our Buddha. Hahaha, no. We made ice cream today in chem. I hate beach. I said I was going to get him in his sleep. Then Roy said at 4:30 pm. Aw man, that made me angry again. Well, when we called him that's what time it was. So it was funny. Met with my personal project supervisor. She told me to do all this stuff, then she was surprised that I actually did it. Um, ok. You told me to. Whatever. I think that's it for today. I have to make our thing for sci fair. See you later. Oh, I'm going to try and fix that commenting thing. Ok, so hold on.

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

[-"He lifts his arm, then index finger. Motions for me to follow. He lures me into his room. And thus it begins..."-]

Ok, I totally had something cool to write, but I guess it will have to wait. Four people are talking to me. My dad is practically looking over my shoulder, and talking loudly to my sister (ok, so here's the scoop. it seems that my sister is going to take some sort of archaeology class. so he's giving advice and about how he would think it would be so cool to go over the world and just shovel dirt if there was nothing to find...weirdo). Um...Guitar was fun. I knew he was going to give me a hard time about switching times with Bob, but he was cool about it. I guess he really likes country music because he was teaching me "Nothing That a Little Bit of You Can't Cure" by Lee Roy Parnell, and he was really excited about it. He says he'll bring his slide guitar and we'll play it together. Well, you know, nobody I know is into the kind of music I like (except for my dad, Greg, and one of my coaches -- Terry). So...there's not much conversation there. The song is cool. It reminds me of "Roll Me Easy" sung by Linda Rondstat. [I don't know who it's written by]. Or maybe I'm mistaken. Ok damn. My dad is talking about how my grandpa is going to die soon. Oh lordy. Why...Oh god...I do not want to hear this. Ahhh!! Shut up dad!! I am going to cry... Well, now he's making it sound better...but still. Arhhh.... I think I might like this guy Lee Roy Parnell...I've been listening to my country lately. I go through 'stages' if you want to say. It depends on my mood. It's weird. Um, so it'll be cool. He helped me record my song. I think I'm going to re-record it because it sounds way too good. And besides at the beginning of the tape he and I are laughing because he's about to say "1-and-a-2-and-a-3..." but in a girly voice. Ahaha...So I've got to redo it.

School was allright today I suppose. Until Bob told me she doesn't trust me. So that really sucked. We had 3 subs. LA, Euro, and Chem. So it was a pretty easy day. I hate staying up late, I don't want to do it. Tomorrow I have my team's practice. So, that means I'm staying up until 3 am! Not fun. *Note the 3 a.m. link* After guitar I had to go get our tree for our religion project. Adam "yelled" at me for cutting in on his Simpsons time. Haha...Ok, I think that's about it.

Monday, January 06, 2003

[-OoO I forgot one thing...-]

Hi Barbara!! And thanks to Bob for switching times with me. We were going to be evil and just switch tomorrow, but we would really screw up his mind. (As he isn't screwed up enough already. Hahah. JK JK.) So thanks again to Will.
[-Here we go again (I do not want to start out like this)-]

Just finished watching Joe Millionaire. That show makes me so sad. Well, the girls that weren't chosen I really don't care because I didn't like anyone of them. Um, I don't think that black girl or Heidi should have been chosen, but then again how long did he talk to them? One night. So whatever. Um, yea, I'm glad Zora was chosen; she didn't even have a dress! Those jerks like Heidi took them all. Whatever. Most of them are BEEECHES.

This weekend was sorta rough. Well, I had to finish my homework. I should have done it before. But I'm working on my time management, so it's working out better. Um, Saturday I had a 5 hour practice. AHHHH!! Well, technically is was 4.6 hours, but come on, that is still a long time. Sunday we had 4 games. The first 2 and the last 2 so I got there around 6 am and left about 5:30 pm. What the hell is that. I was really tired. We just had take-out for dinner. My neighbor came over and we watched the special features on my sister's Willy Wonka DVD. Oh, well on Saturday I cut my arm when I dove for this ball. And Sunday during the first game I believe, I the ball hit my finger when I was hitting, so it was all black and blue. But it's sorta reddish now I guess you could say. I kept asking everyone all day if it looked like ther was something wrong with my finger, but they all lied to me. Haha, well actually no; they didn't think anything was wrong with it, but it's obviously discolored. Last night after I was done reading F 451 I passed out. I woke up about 4:30 am and just turned out the lights so I could sleep. I'm still pretty sore from my practice. Well, I've had worse, but you know...

Sarah T. is cool. Brian S. is cool [BS!]. Will is great!! He talked to Beach about our sci-fair project. Which is good. I really don't care how much we have to pay for this because um, well the preliminary results are due THIS FRIDAY! Ok, calming down. But that's not very good. So hopefully we can get an overnight delivery, or we're screwed. We can probably get something to substitute it, but I don't know how this is going to work out. So I think that's about it. Oh about the title of this entry, I do not want to be doing what I'm doing now, which is trying to do my hw late at night. Well it probably would have helped if Sammy's mom didn't show up 15 minutes late. I didn't really start my homework until say 6 pm. Well, I wrote back my friends Sara and Susie (we like to write letters to each other). Then I had to eat dinner. But now I better go work on it. That's why I don't want to get back to doing the same things I did before. This break was wonderful. I actually felt relaxed. There was no stress from school or softball, so I was happy. But (aww shit, I just realized I haven't done something) now it's back again, not as bad as it was but it will probably start happening soon, considering that finals are in 2 weeks. Well, talk to ya'll later.

Friday, January 03, 2003

[- Noooo....Back to the daily grind... :-( -]

Well, I have to go to bed soon. BOO!! Oh well, I'll get a chance to read F 451. I'll probably read it fast. Hopefully. I like Ray Bradbury, he's a good author. Um, so I have practice tomorrow morning (boo) but I guess it's allright. Then on Sunday we have some games. We're hosting (BOO!!). I'm so glad that I'll get to help the 10u team. Um, then school on Monday. We have that check test you know. So, see you then.
[-feeling better-]

Well, Leon Russell is making me feel a lot better. I love cowboys. Guys with southern accents. I just found this cool "lisence" plate. It's for some Matchox car. But it's pretty big. I think I'll put it on my key chain. It's for Texas. Since I love those cowboys. But anyways I'm going to go help my old coach out with the 10 and under team. How cute! I really miss them. They're a nice family. So I'll have fun with that. Country blues saves the soul. Mmhmm. No doubt about that. I'm your average honky tonk woman. "She's a honky tonk woman! Give me, a give me, give me a honky tonk blues" - The Rolling Stones. Oh dad is trying to sing this nice song and he's killing it. Hahah. It's on now. It's called "Goodnight Irene." UGH! I hate how he sneaks up behind you. Sometimes he's here looking over my shoulder and I don't know if he's still there or not because I don't want him to see what I'm writing. It's not bad or anything, but just personal. That's about it. I'm feeling a little better. Why don't you IM me and cheer me up?
[-Why? and I hate this-]

Why do people never want to listen to me when I have something good to say? Why doesn't anyone allow me to show my talent when they have none? These are not things that have happened today, but I was just thinking about those times when others put you down. I don't know. I never get to say something good when the time is right. Someone always takes the spotlight.

I hate hs ball. (Sorry, that would be high school). Our dumbass coach from last year quit. Which was semi-OK. But now we have this new coach, who is pretty young I guess. But older than the last one. Um, but she's only coached for a year from what I understand. We're going to have to start conditioning when we get back. Gosh, sophmore year is like the worst year. I don't know. Things just "aren't right." I don't know...But when the time comes, I'm going to have to switch times with Greg, which I don't want to do because I've been going on Tuesday since Mark. Man...this is making me even more sad/melancholy. I don't know. I need some good country blues tunes. "I've been living a new way, of my life now that she's gone." "Just because I asked a friend about her, just because I spoke her name some where, just because I saw her then went all to pieces, she thinks I still care." "I'm so lonesome I could cry." ...and more...((sara's honky tonk country blues) but it's more of a happy song, maybe if I slowed it down)). I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know why I'm sad. Well, it's partial sadness. Um. Ok. Talk to you all later.
[-Do you love fried chicken?-]

Just got back from the mall. I took all this money planning to buy all this cool stuff, but nooo. They didn't have anything I wanted to buy. So Sammy, Roy, and I walked over to Barnes and Nobles (it's in the same parking lot) and I bought I couple of books. I almost gave the cashier my $100 bill! I thought I only pulled out my 2 $20s but, I guess not. So that would have been bad. I bough Zen Guitar and The Guitar Grimoire Series: Chords and Voicings. SO hopefully I'll get some good stuff outta that. I really want to go to my Chinese grandma's house tonight. My cousins and uncle want me to go, but my sister says she's not going down there, so I don't have a ride. Well, I've got to go do my homework, and work on my song (yay!!).
[-Eh...I've got to do something...-]

Ok, I'm bored. Something doesn't feel right. I've got to think of something good/cool. Ok, so maybe I'll be happier. I'm going to the mall tomorrow. With Roy, Sammy, and Rouman. Hopefully I can buy some cool stuff. Ok. So, um. I've got to figure out my solo part for my song. Hopefully this turns out. I think this was a bad idea. I have no clue what to do or how I should do it. But Greg is helping me out. (THANKFULLY!!) Oh man. Or my song would STINK! I'm so glad. Yay!! I feel better now. Um, ok. Ciao!

Thursday, January 02, 2003

[-Sara's Honky Tonk Country Blues-]

Ahahaha!! I'm so happy! My song is coming!! Ok, so I went to my guitar lesson. Greg 'axed' me (sorry, inside comic strip) what I wanted to do for the new year. Then it suddenly came to me that I needed to work on my song. Actually, I knew I had to ask him, but I forgot with all the commotion at Rouman's house. Anyways, that's what my song is called (see title of entry). I didn't make it up, he did. It was pretty funny. He sang a nice little song about how Bob and I are friends and how everyone likes us because we get the best grades in school. Ahaha, anyways, he's great. It sounds pretty cool. Well I like it, so that probably means you won't like it. But I think it's great. I'm in to that honky tonk blues stuff. It's fun, haha, well I really like it. Um...So I gotta work on that. Oh, man, when I got there that was sorta bad because uh, well Bob said she was at Gabriel's house working on their religion project. Then Greg asks if that's the guy with the guitar. Oh lordy, then it starts. Um, well, Bob says "What guitar guy?" Then I say, "UH, Steve Perez..." (I had to think of someone on the spot and he plays to). Oh man. Well, remember that post from December 11...Well I think you know why I was "panicking" when he said that. But yea; I asked her if she was lonely on New Year's Eve. She was. Oops. I should have invited her over, but it was sorta like a last minute thing. I thought we would go to Sammy's house like everyother year, but no. Haha, I saved her from her brat cousin. But, yea, I told Bob about our great time. Sorta, not really. I just mentioned it. Then Greg says "Why didn't you invite me?" I said "Would you really wanna hang out with my friends?" "Uh, no" (haha). I made the drinking sign in sign language. But I was only kidding. But he said he didn't get drunk, so that's good, because something's wrong with his stomach, but I think it affects your liver more than stomach but Bob said it, so there. So, I had a nice time. Well, I guess I'll tell you about that comic. It's Sherman's Lagoon. Actually, I think I'll scan it. So, maybe tomorrow, because I gotta set it up, and I don't feel like that right now. Remember "Chicken shit" I'll tell you all about it later, just ask me. I forgot about Marvelous 3. They're a really good band, but I guess they're going on hiatus right now. I've been listening to them a lot in the past few days.

Rouman's house was fun. Our Buddha is a disgrace. Haha, oh man. You'll just have to wait. My sister wants me to take a picture of it so she can see what it looks like. She went back to the dorms tonight. I guess I'll see her tomorrow night. Um, anyways, I won't spoil it. I'll just let you see. It was fun, but I had to leave for my lesson. I came back. They were just sitting in his living room, like hanging out. Well, a couple of them were typing some stuff up to put on the tree. (You'll have to wait for that too). Roy was looking at this magazine that's about video games and he saw a thing about Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball or whatever the title is. But, uh, he's like is this fighting or is this volleygall. Hahah, yes, volleygall with our carple buddies. (More inside jokes). But, yea. I came home about 6:30 pm and my sister was trying to register for her classes for this semester. So I helped her out and spent about 10 minutes going back and resending the info. But I did it. Yay. Um, that's about it. Well, that's about it. We watched Rear Window. Very good movie. Suspenseful. I liked it. Ok, see ya later.
[-Just Checking-]

Ok, I was going to go to bed, but then I remembered that I wanted to see if I could direct link from Angelfire. So, I'm not sure this is going to work or not. Hence the "[-Just Checking-]." Ok, so (maybe) here is a picture of my friend Sara.
[-Hmmmm...Time to think...or not-]

I don't know...I think I need to listen to more cheery music. The New Radicals are making me depressed. Ok, here we go. SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS! It's like, swing music, I guess you could say. Oh man. My dad is great. I love it how we love all kinds of music. Really, if you ever come over to my house there is an endless amount of different music that you'll listen to. From Celtic to rock, to blues and jazz to some honky tonk. Oh man, anything. I've been wanting to write that for a long ass time, but I keep forgetting. I think I should go to bed now. I have to do all my flippin' homework tomorrow and Friday. Well, I have tomorrow night. Oh, if you're in IB, go check out IB it's great. I have a link to it in the links section. Allrighty. Check ya later.
[-Happy New Year!-]

Well, another year has gone. Yay I suppose, hopefully this coming year will be better. Sophmore year sucks. Not much is going right, but I don't know...Anyways, happy New Year. Hopefully everyone's safe. Sorry about my comments thingy, I'm going to try to get that to work ASAP. Anyways, I hope you had a nice holiday. We have to go back to school Monday. ::BOOO!!!:: Anyways, tomorrow we're going to Rouman's house again for our religion project. How exciting. I have to leave like in the middle of it though...I have to go to my guitar lesson.

Well last night was a ball. It was fun. More people came then I expected. Adam and Noah decided they were going to come without telling me, so they surprised me. I had a nice time. Nam, Neha, Sammy, and Adam R. all showed up as planned. We listened to some cool tunes. I had to go through all my old CDs to find something they would want to listen to. I found all these CDs that I really like. Like the Marvelous 3. Aww man....just when I found this link the band is breaking up. That sucks. I really like them. Ok, then I also found The Squirrel Nut Zippers. They're cool. And then I forgot about the New Radicals. But they've already broken up. They were a one-hit wonder because the lead singer didn't want to sing that song over and over again. But they had a lot of other good songs. Anyways, so we hung out. I played guitar for them. We had fun. Uh...Yes, we watched The Royal Tenenbaums. That is such a good movie. Anyways, then we stopped near the end to bring in the New Year!! Woohoo! Allrighty, then we started to play The Simpsons Monopoly. Hahaha, Noah sucks terribly. I don't think he wanted to play, but that's allright. They left about 2:30 am, and Sammy and I slept out in the living room. Sammy watched TV while I picked up. Then we watched the rest of Quigley Down Under. Uh..yea, then went to bed at 4:30 am. How nice.

Today, my family came over because it's my Grandma's birthday. It would have been better if we would have sat outside, but it was too cold and windy for them. Uh, yeah. My aunt and uncle were here, but they have the flu and aren't feeling very well, so they left before we could eat, but I don't know if they would have wanted to eat. You know, when you're sick, you don't feel like doing anything at all. Yea. So, yea. After everyone left my mom, sister, and I went to Best Buy and Target to buy some DVDs. We bought Murder by Death, which is very good. I like it a lot. That's what we watched when we got back, well my dad and I watched it, my mom fell asleep, and my sister was on the phone. But I liked it a lot, it was funny. Um, Lilo and Stitch, which was OK. I don't know...I didn't like Stitch. I wanted to kick his ass, and it didn't help when they played Elvis because I just don't like him. I'm sorry, but I just don't. Uh, History of the World Part I. Well, the only part. Haha, I've seen it a few times before. It's pretty funny. My favorite part is the Spanish Inquisition. Uh, then we bought some movie that my sister likes, the name is escaping me right now. And Willy Wonka. Uh, I think that's it. So we watched a couple of DVDs. Then my sister's friend Jamie Lee came over while we were watching History of the World. Oh, I think she's leaving now. So, I'm going to go try and fix this commenting thing. I know just how much you want to write me comments. Haha...allright. Talk to you soon.